„Rave The Planet Parade 2023 – MUSIC IS THE ANSWER“

On July 8, 2023, under radiant summer weather, the second Rave The Planet Parade took place in Berlin. A gathering of 300,000 people convened on the Straße des 17. Juni for a dance and music demonstration. These wonderful #ParadePeople transformed this location into a sea of peaceful euphoria and togetherness. Thank you!

A heartfelt appreciation also goes out to the talented photographers who provided these inspiring images:

Alejandra Vaughan, Blaszej Grochulski, Chris Bellevue, Ellen Dosch-Roeingh, Fabien Prauss, iHeartBerlin, Ingo Löhdorf, Kadovsky, Khaled Gowied, Nenad Blažin, Ptysiek.69, Shotbystanley, Sebastian Wischmann, Tomasz Guiddo and Walter Puyet

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